- Brier Island, Big Pond, SE side, "Flat Grounds".1
- Brier Island, bog along road, half way between Westport & Whipple Point.1
- Brooklyn.1
- Brookside, James River.1
- Ca. 1 mi NW of Point Michaud1
- Cabot Trail Highway, just N. of Grand Etang1
- Canso1
- Cape Brenton Island, Hashabuek Bridge1
- Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Benjy's Lake1
- Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Broad Cove Campground1
- Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Carney Brook Falls Trail.1
- Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Corney Brook Campground1
- Cape Breton Highlands National Park, French Lake1
- Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Lake of Islands, south of Aspy Bay1
- Cape Breton Highlands National Park, along Acadian Trail near Cheticamp Campground, northeast of Inverness1
- Cape Breton Highlands National Park, along Arcadian Trail near Cheticamp Campground, northeast of Inverness1
- Cape Breton Highlands National Park, along coast 1/2 mi south of Black Brock Campground1
- Cape Breton Highlands National Park, along coast 1/2 mile south of Black Brook Campground1
- Cape Breton Highlands National Park, trail to South Point, small waterfall near ocean.1
- Cape Breton Highlands National Pork, Jigging Cove Lake.1