- Dreamers Rock1
- Durham1
- Eastern edge of Morrisburg between railway spur line and Hoasic Creek, Williamsburg Tp.1
- Finmark/Shabaqua Rd., 3 km NW of Finmark Rd., Dawson Rd. Lots1
- Fitzroy Provincial Park, 25 mi NW of Ottawa1
- Hastings1
- Indian Village at South Bay, Manitoulin Island1
- L. bank of Spruce River, just below first rapids, 7 km SSE of Black Sturgeon Research Station.1
- Leask Point, South Bay, Manitoulin Island1
- Lot 5, Con XII, Yarmouth Township1
- Manitoulin1
- Mer Bleue, east side of Ottawa, SE of Blackburn Station1
- Middlesex1
- Mt. McKay1
- N side of Joeboy Lake just off H. 587, Sibley Provincial Park1
- NW London, Byron Bog1
- Near Crane River on Highway 6 (north of Miller Lake P.O.)1
- Near Ottawa1
- Nipissing1
- Ottawa1