- Little Carp Lake, along; Porcupine Mountains1
- Little Carp Lake, near; Porcupine Mountains1
- Mass City, 2.5 mi SE of; Greenland Twp., Mass farm.1
- Near mouth of Union River.1
- Ontonagon River of Lake Superior1
- Ontonagon Twp. Lake Superior shore where Lake Shore Drive nearly touches it, ca. 8 mi NE of Ontonagon1
- Ottawa National Forest1
- Ottawa National Forest, in gravelly, shallow soil on rock outcrop1
- Ottawas National Forest. 135 m SE of Forest Road 504.1
- Porcupine Mountains Carp Lake, near outlet of1
- Porcupine Mountains, Cayuga Creek, along1
- Porcupine Mountains.1
- Porcupine Mountains; Carp River, along1
- Porcupine Mt. State Park, Lake of the Clouds outlet at Mirror Lake trail crossing.1
- Porcupine Mts. St. Park, W. of the Lake of Clouds, T51N, R43W, Sec. 21.1
- Porcupine Mts. State Park. Face of escarpment overlooking Lake of the Clouds.1
- Porcupine Mts. State Park. Vertical face of cliff below Lake of the Clouds overlook, near Mirror Lake rail. Just above talus slope.1
- Salmon Trout River, Lake Superior1
- Verticle rock outcrop with a west to southwest aspect. T49N R41W Section 81
- West Sleeping River, near; Lake Superior1