- Orleans1
- Pte. MouillÄe State Game Area1
- Ramsey1
- S of Sleeping Bear Coast Guard Station1
- Sandy Bottom Lake - Oakfield Twsp Sec 91
- Shore of Little Traverse Bay.1
- Tompkins1
- Township 26 North (T26N) Range 3 West (R3W) Section No. - 7 In town; city of Grayling1
- Vermont1
- Willoughby Mountain1
- Ypsilanti Ice house1
- at 1375 Trenton Rd., Adrian1
- at old townsite of Deward, NE1/4 sec. 7, T28N, R4W, ca. 5.5 mi. NW of Frederic.1
- by driveway at 801 5th St., Ann Arbor1
- east of Isle Royale National Park headquarters. Houghton.1
- in Scotty Bay,1
- in the vicinity of the Swan Creek Wildlife Experiment Station1
- on E. side of Maple Island Rd. ca. 2 mi. N. of town of Hesperia. Denver Twp. T14N, R14W, Sec.18, SW1/41
- s. of Loomis Rd., e. of Grand River, Summit Twp. R1W, T3S1
- sec. 17-18, Inverness Tp.1