- Lake Pend d'Oreille2
- Lion Gulch Rd. Wenatchee Mts, 4 miles NE Liberty2
- Mendocino2
- Near Eel Rock2
- Nevada2
- Tennessee2
- Thurston2
- Trinity2
- About 1 mile NE of Boulder, San Lorenzo Canyon, home of Mrs. H. C. Austin1
- Adobe Canyon near Kenwood1
- Along Klickitat River, 9 miles southwest of klickitat1
- Along Woods Creek, between Sonora and Jamestown1
- Along creek paralleling Leevining Grade, one half mile above Highway 3951
- Along trail from Rock Springs to Laurel Dell, Mt. Tamalpais1
- Attu Island, near Massacre Bay1
- Barona Indian Reservation, 8.2 mi NE of Lakeside1
- Blanco1
- Blewett Pass Region, Cascade Mountains1
- Boise National Forest1
- Bonner1