- Connecticut2
- Drummond Island. Along Bass Cove Rd.2
- Houghton2
- New York2
- St. Joseph2
- Sunapee2
- Van Buren2
- Vermont2
- Virginia2
- 0.05-0.15 mi. SSW., St. Rt. 7 & 0.2 mi. NW., BM 2565, ca. 1 mi. E., Hopemont, Portland Dist.1
- About 6 miles southeast of Franklinville1
- About the old-abandoned ore workings on the Schick Farms in the limestone valley about 1-3/8 to 1-1/2 mile E. of Friendensville, P. O. crossroads1
- Arenac1
- Aroostook1
- At head of Palmer Creek Valley, Kenai Peninsula1
- Attu Island1
- Au Sable Trails1
- Baraga1
- Bath. Route 302. Approximately 2.3 miles east of Woodsville1
- Beltrami1