- Montcalm2
- Muskegon2
- Nebraska2
- Oklahoma2
- Quebec2
- Santa Cruz2
- South Carolina2
- South Dakota2
- St. Clair2
- Thunder Bay2
- Van Buren2
- 0.2 miles NW of Woodbury1
- Adams1
- Agr'i. College1
- Albert Twp. Near SE shore of West Fish Lake ca. 10 mi. S. of town of Atlanta.1
- Alger1
- Allegan State Game Area. Ca. 2 miles NE of Fennville.SW of Miner Lake. Ca. 300 meters due NE of the point where 54th Street bends to the NW.1
- Allen1
- Aloha Twp. Devereaux Lake Beach1
- Along Continental Rd.,N. of Hulse Rd1