- Baijnath, Punjab1
- Bamanigaon1
- Barnstable1
- Bed of Shavers Fork near Parsons1
- Berrien1
- Border of Eagle Lake.1
- Border of Mirror Lake, Ojai Valley1
- Ca. 0.25 mi south of Raymond Road, in the Manistee National Forest.1
- California1
- Carling Township, Franklin Island1
- Cass1
- Connecticut1
- Crooked Lake between Plainfield and Grand Rapids Townships.1
- Cumberland1
- Decatur1
- Duck Cove, Hudson River1
- Duck Cove, Hudson River.1
- Dunes at Baileytown, Walker Lake.1
- E side of Bainbridge by US 84. forming mats1
- Eggleston Tp., ca. 4 mi. NW of Sullivan. SE of Carr Lake.1