- Lincoln1
- Little Cove, shore line1
- Manicouagan1
- Montagne à l'est du Lac à Foin, canton Leclercque1
- Montcalm1
- Mount Logan Region, shore near Locked Camp, Cap Chat River1
- NE branch of Candle Lake road, mile 1.0, Dept. Plant Ecology Stand no. 5561
- NE corner of Geikie Island, opposite Ellis Island, Lake Nipigon1
- Near Nestorville1
- Near West Bay1
- Near mile 56 (above Teslin P. O.)1
- New Brunswick1
- Niskonlith reserve, W. Shushwap1
- Nord-du-Quebec1
- Oiseau Creek at Oiseau Bay, Pukaskwa National Park1
- Owen Sound1
- Peace River1
- Peterborough1
- Port Burwell1
- Poste-de-la-Baleine (Great Whale River), Baie d'Hudson1