- "Wilderness Arboretum", ca. 14 miles NW of Bad Axe. Hume Township.1
- "Wilderness Arboretum", ca. 14 miles NW of Bad Axe. Hume Twp., along the eastern border of the tract.1
- "Wilderness Arboretum," ca 14 mi. NW of Bad Axe (A tract of 120 acres of alternating sand ridges and shallow swales in sec 7, Hume Township.)1
- "Wilderness Arboretum," ca. 14 miles NW of Bad Axe in sec. 7, Hume Township.)1
- "Wilderness Arboretum," ca. 14 miles NW of Bad Axe in sec. 7, Hume Township.)1
- Along railroad tracks between Geiger & Weale Roads.1
- Along railroad tracks between Geiger and Weale Rds.1
- At Port Austin.1
- At Sand Point.1
- Bayport1
- Bayport Swamp.1
- Beach of Lake Huron, Eagle Bay.1
- Bingham Twp., ca. 3 mi. N. of Ubly.1
- Blind Lake Bog (=Lakelet Fen), Howick Tp Mun.1
- Ca. 1.5 mi. SW of Bay Port.1
- Caseville1
- Caseville County Park, Caseville.1
- County park, Caseville1
- Eagle Bay public access ca. 4 miles east of Port Austin, Wallace Road1
- East of Port Austin, Lake Huron.1