- Corunna.2
- Dearborn.2
- Deerfield2
- Drummond Island. Maxton Plains.2
- Dune region between Brevort Lake and Lake Michigan.2
- E. of Raisin Center Hwy., S. of golf course, Raisin Twp.2
- E.S. George Reserve. Grid M-162
- Eaton2
- Erie Twp., ca. 3 mi. SE of Erie.2
- Escanaba.2
- Federman [ca. 5 mi. east of Petersburg]2
- Flowing Well fish hatchery property.2
- Furstenberg Park in Ann Arbor; north bank of Huron River along boardwalk. Sec. 27, T2S, R6E.2
- Garden Is.2
- Garden Island2
- Genesee2
- George Reserve.2
- Gilda's Rd., just south of Leonard Rd.2
- Grant Twp., Nordhouse Dunes.2
- Hillman Twp.2