- Border of Penny Lake.1
- Burt Lake.1
- Cedar River Rd.1
- Chicago Lake.1
- Cliff.1
- Cranberry Lake, 7 mi. NE of AuGres.1
- Crawford1
- Drummond Island. Near Detour Passage.1
- Dune region between Gulliver Lake and Lake Michigan.1
- Edwin S. George Reserve. Grid P-18. Buck Hollow.1
- Emmet1
- Grant Twp. Sec. 34 SW1/4, T16N, R9W Ashegun (Bass) Lake Bog1
- Grattan Twp., Saul Lake, between 7 Mile Rd. and 6 mile Rd., ca. 1 mi. e. of Tiffany Ave. NE. Saul Lake Bog Preserve. Southwest side of bog.1
- Hiawatha National Forest. Ca. 0.6km WSW of intersection of Castle Rock Road and Trout Lake-St. Ignace Rail Trail.1
- Hillsdale1
- Horton Tp., ca. 6 mi. SE of West Branch.1
- In Cat Harbor Swamp.1
- Iosco1
- Isle Royale National Park. Mott Island.1
- Isle Royale, Lake Superior.1