- Coldsprings Twp, near Pickerel Lake, T28N R6W, S25.1
- Contact UM Herbarium1
- Delta1
- Detroit Zoo.1
- Detroit.1
- Dickinson1
- E. end of 3rd Sister Lake, Saginaw Forest, Ann Arbor1
- East Lansing1
- Garden Island.1
- Gladwin1
- Hillsdale1
- Horner Woods, east meadow1
- Hunt rd. W. of Bent Oak Hwy., Adrian Twp. R3E T6S Sect. 23. SE1/4 of SW1/41
- John Dix Field, University Botanical Gardens1
- Kalkaska1
- Lake1
- Lapeer1
- Luce1
- Ludington State Park1
- Mason1