- Fish Point Marsh, T15N R8E, sw 1/4 sec. 141
- Gogebic1
- Grand Rapids (near gas works)1
- Grand Rapids.1
- Grand Traverse1
- Houghton1
- Houghton Lake Wildlife Research Area (Porter Ranch) ca. 6 km. sw of Houghton Lake.1
- Isle Royale1
- Isle Royale [Lake Superior]1
- Isle Royale, L. Sup.1
- L. Michigan shore, Little Traverse Tp.1
- Leelanau1
- Lewis Street [Jackson]1
- Manistee1
- Mentor Twp. 100 ft. W. of the McKinley Bridge 8 mi. E. of town of Mio.1
- Missaukee1
- Montmorency1
- Oakfield Twp., Flat Iron Lake, ca. 9 miles east of Rockford. Northeast margin of lake at Calvin College dock.1
- Oscoda1
- Ottawa National Forest, south of lake Gogebic, Slate River Slough1