- "Ca. 2 mi or so NW of White Cloud."1
- "Desert" 1 mi. west of Big Prairie1
- 0.3 mi SE of Pettibone Lake.1
- Along Five Mile Creek,1
- Barton Twp., ca. ½ mi SE of Hawkins.1
- Barton Twp., ca. ½ mi. S.E. of Hawkins.1
- Betsey Creek1
- Bill's Lake, Croton Tnsp.1
- Bills Lake - near Newaygo1
- Bishops Corner - Sherman Twsp.1
- Biteley.1
- Brooks Twp., Coolbaugh Nature Area1
- Brooks Twp., Newaygo Prairie SE of 56th and Poplar Rd. intersection1
- Brooks Twp., T12N R12W, Sec. 17 and 9.1
- Brooks Twp., T12N, R12W, Sec. 17 and 9.1
- Ca. 3 mi. NW of Woodville.1
- Ca. 4.5 mi. SE of White Cloud.1
- Ca. 6.8 mi. NW of White Cloud. Ca. 0.4 of a mile due east of Loda Lake, next to railroad tracks.1
- Ca. 6.8 miles NW of White Cloud. In the Loda Lake Wildflower Sanctuary, at the NW end of Loda Lake.1
- Ca. 6.8 miles NW of White Cloud. In the Loda Lake Wildflower Sanctuary, on NW side of Loda Lake.1