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- North America[remove]11
- USA9
- Washington4
- Canada2
- Maine2
- west peak, Mount Ktaadn2
- Alaska Range District, Mt. McKinley Quadrangle, ¼ mile north of north entrance of Mt. McKinley National Park1
- Blewett Pass Region, Cascade Mountains1
- British Columbia1
- Gaspe Peninsula, Chic-Choc Mountains, Mont Jacques-Cartier area1
- Gaspé-Ouest1
- Kittitas1
- Lake Keechelus, on east shore of north end of the Lake1
- Mount Baker National Forest, Perry Creek Trail, 3½ miles southeast of Silverton1
- Mountain peak above Pit #14, north Takanis, Ore Body, above Bohemia Basin, Yakobi Island1
- New Hampshire1
- Olympic Hot Springs1
- Quebec1
- Snohomish1
- Vancouver Island, Departure Bay1