- Baie d'Hudson1
- Bathurst Island, Stone Hinge area and vicinity, 1½ miles east of NMNS Base Camp1
- Belcher Islands, Hudson Bay, Tukarak Island, 1 mile south of Hudson's Bay Company Post1
- Belcher Islands, Hudson Bay, Tukarak Island, Qikiqtaaluk Region1
- Broughton Island1
- Canadian Eastern Arctic, Craig Harbour, Ellesmere Island1
- Chesterfield Inlet1
- Chesterfield Inlet, Hudson Bay1
- Chesterfield Inlet.1
- Chesterfield, west Hudson Bay.1
- Cove on central n. shore of Aberdeen Lake.1
- Craig Harbour, Ellesmereland1
- Devon Island; Truelove Lowland1
- District of Keewatin, Repulse Bay. [listed as Northwest Territories because Nunvut had not been incorporated at time of collection]1
- Driftwood Island, King George Island1
- Dundas Harbour, Devon Island1
- East coast of Hudson Bay, Elsie Island.1
- East coast of Hudson Bay, Long Island.1
- Eastern Arctic, Ellesmere Island, Craig Harbour1
- Ellesmere Island, Craig Harbor.1