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- Assiniboia, Crane Lake1
- Assiniboia, Cypress Lake.1
- Assiniboia. Moose Jaw.1
- Canada114
- Candle Lake Region, northeast branch Candle Lake Road, Candle Lake Lodge entry road, south shore lake1
- Candle Lake Region, northeast branch Candle Lake Road, mile 4.0, Dept. Plant Ecology Stand No. 5461
- Candle Lake Region, northeast branch Candle Lake road, mile 30, ½ mile south White Swan Lake, Dept. Plant Ecology Stand No. 5603
- Candle Lake Region, northeast branch Candle Lake road, mile 30, ½ mile south White Swan Lakes, Dept. Plant Ecology Stand No. 5606
- Candle Lake road 6 mile south of Sylvan Spring1
- Candle Lake road, 0.6 mile south of Sylvan Spring, Dept. Plant Ecology Stand no. 2861
- Candle Lake road, 4.7 miles south of forks at Candle Lake, Dept. Plant Ecology Stand no. 5001
- Carlton House1
- Carrot River Township1
- Christopher Lake1
- Contact UM Herbarium26
- Cypress Hills Prov. Park (Centre Block) S. side of road to the east of and c. ½ mi. from the Fire Lookout Tower1
- Division No. 141
- Division No. 1516
- Division No. 171
- Division No. 182