- Middlebrun Bay, 3.2 km northeast of Silver Islet, Sibley Provincial Park1
- Mt. McKay1
- N side of Inner Barn I., Wabinosh Bay, Lake Nipigon1
- N side of Joeboy Lake just off H. 587, Sibley Provincial Park1
- NE corner of Circle Lake, at lodge cite, 10 km WNW of Black Strugeon Research Station1
- NE corner of Cloud L., Lot 5 Conc. I, along camp road, Crooks Twp. 18 km SW Thunder Bay City1
- NE corner of Outer Barn Island, Lake Nipigon1
- NE corner of Squartop Mt. 4 km SW of Thunder Bay City, Blake Twp.1
- NE corner of parking lot, Centennial Park, Thunder Bay City1
- NE. corner of Cloud Lake, Lot 5, Conc. I, along camp roadway, Crooks Twp., 18 km. SW. of Thunder Bay City1
- NW. corner of Pass S. adjacent to H. 587, Sibley Provincial Park1
- Near Pine River, Pardee Township1
- Northshore of St. Paul's Island, Lake Nipigon1
- Old Stamp Mill site at Silve Islet Community, Sibley Peninsula1
- Old logging rd. at SE. corner of Little Sturgeon Lake, 18 km. S. of Black Sturgeon Research Stn.1
- Old stamp mill site at Silver Islet Community, Sibley Peninsula.1
- Ouimet Canyon, near Ouimet1
- Paipoonge Twp., left bank of Kaministiquia River at H.E.P.C. power station at Kakabeka Falls1
- Pardee Twp., Just above E. end of Lenore L.1
- Perry's Bay, 1 km. N. of Government Dock at Silver Islet Community, Sibley Peninsula1