- Manistique, Lakeview municipal park1
- Marquette1
- Meade Twp., Section 201
- Menominee1
- Menominee River Road1
- Merwin Creek Campground (northeast of Manistique)1
- Montcalm1
- Montmorency1
- Mr. Nicholas Longworth's garden, Cincinnati1
- Muskegon1
- N shore of Sunday Lake, at Wakefield1
- NE1/4 sec.16, T24N R2W, ca. 2 SE of Roscommon.1
- Napoleon Twp,Storer YMCA Camp on SE side of Stony Lake.1
- Near Nashville1
- Near Port Huron1
- Near Wilmington1
- New Balt[imore]1
- New Hanover1
- New Jersey1
- North Manitou Island, near dock at North Manitou1