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- Luce1
- Mackinac1
- Near Port Huron1
- Newaygo1
- Ontonagon1
- R.R. & I. R.R. at Van Station1
- Saginaw1
- St. Clair1
- T46N, R17W; 1 block south of M-28 on W. side of M-94 in the village of Shingleton1
- Vicinity of Copper Harbor near lighthouse at Fort Wilkins1
- e. of Raisin Center Hwy, immediately s. of Russell Rd., Raisin Twp. R4E, T6S, S3, nw 1/4 of nw 1/41
- on N. side of Freeland Rd. on NE side of town of Freeland. Tittabawassee Twp. T13N, R3E, Sec. 16, SE1/41
- on N. side of M-20 ca. 6 1/2 mi. E. of town of Hesperia. Lincoln Twp. T14N, R13W, Sec. 30, SW1/41