- North Carolina1
- North of landing at Cisco Lake.1
- Ogemaw1
- Ontonagon1
- Posen Twp. T33N, R6E, Sec 32 SE1/4; on the south east side of picknic and play area at Fletcher Co. Park.1
- Presque Isle1
- Raleigh1
- Section 31, Ida Twp., Secor Road south of Morocco Road.1
- South of Lake Eva.1
- Sturgeon Point, Lake Huron, Haynes Twp., Sec. 30.1
- Two miles north of North Bradley1
- Wake1
- Wayne1
- at Great Sand Bay, northeast of Eagle River.1
- at Nine Mile Point, ca. 2 mi. NW of Bay Shore.1
- five miles northwest of Ann Arbor; along Huron River Drive in Section 2.1
- near fork of Boardman River (Sect. 3 & 4, T26N, R9W)1
- on South Side of Beach Road.1
- on the N. side of US-10 in front of the shopping plaza ca. 1 mi. east of Ludington. Pere Marquette Twp. T18N, R18W, Sec 14 NE1/41
- rosette from John Dix Field, University Botanical Gardens.1