- Antrim1
- Augusta1
- Bennington1
- Berkshire1
- Bog at Middle Fish Lake, ca. 6 mi. SE of Lewiston.1
- Bois Blanc Island1
- Bois Blanc Island. At NW end of Lake Thompson.1
- Burke1
- Cascade Tunnel1
- Colorado1
- Crawford1
- Creighton Marsh, T46N, R16W, NE1/4 SW1/4 NE1/4 sec.121
- Drummond Island. At Detour Passage.1
- Eagle Harbor.1
- East Dorset1
- East Haddam midslope woods, Devils Hopyard State Park1
- Easton1
- Herkimer1
- Hidden Lake, Tobin Harbor, Isle Royale.1
- Houghton1