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- Dexter-Huron Metropark, Along Huron River Drive, ca. 2.7 km SE of Dexter.1
- E. end of 3rd Sister Lake, Saginaw Forest, Ann Arbor1
- Geddes, Vicinity of Ypsilanti1
- Geddes. Vicinity of Ypsilanti1
- Gunther's Woods, north of Saline1
- N.W. end of 3rd Sister Lake, Saginaw Forest, Ann Arbor1
- Salem Twp. Pontiac Trail, betw Six- and Seven-mile Rds. Kenk Pond #1. SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec. 7, T1S, R7E.1
- Scio Twp., 1¼ miles E. of Dexter1
- Scio Twp., 3½ miles SW Ann Arbor1
- Shore of Geddes overflow, east of Ann Arbor1
- University of Michigan Botanical Gardens, Dixboro Site, 4.5 mi. northeast of Ann Arbor. North Bog by water hole.1
- University of Michigan Botanical Gardens, Dixboro Site, 4.5 miles northeast of Ann Arbor, at southwest part of property1
- University of Michigan Botanical Gardens, Dixboro site. 4.5 mi Northeast of Ann Arbor, oak upland in Kirk Wood1
- Vicinity of Ypsilanti, River Road1
- White's Woods, 1½ mi. W. Ann Arbor1
- Ypsilanti Tp.1
- in Cascade Glen, banks of Huron River near Ann Arbor1
- north of bridge on Waterworks Road, LODI TWP.1