- Los Charcos2
- Mackenzie District, Mackenzie Mountains, Backbone Ranges.2
- Marsho, Ladakh, Kashmir2
- Reservoir at Puentecillas, ca. 15.7 km SW of El Salto2
- Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, Atkinson Point2
- Along Hwy 40 near Los Bancos1
- Banks Island, about 55 km southeast of Sachs Harbour in Sachs River Valley.1
- Bottle Cove Hiking Trail, off Beacon Road. +/- 50m1
- Branchton1
- British Columbia1
- Ca. 1.3 km SW of El Palmito km N, along Hwy 401
- Ca. 12.5 miles (20 km) by road east of Texcoco along Texcoco-Calpulalpan highway (Mexico 136), between km 60 and 611
- California1
- Conrad Park Reserve, Windy Arm, Tagish Lake1
- El Asoleadero, 15 km al oeste de Camotla, municipio de Chichihualco, ladera ignea con vegetacion de bosque de Abies, Quercus, y Pinus1
- Eskimo Lakes, south end of westernmost lake at mouth of Sitdgi Creek.1
- Forty Mile Road, 2 km from Klondike Loop Hy.1
- Gilgit-Baltistan1
- Girdwood vicinity, above Crow Creek Rd., ca. 6.2 air km NW Girdwood1
- Girdwood vicinity, above Crow Creek Rd., ca. 6.2 air km NW of Girdwood1