- Mocus Point Trail, Lochsa River, Clearwater National Forest, 44 miles NE of Lowell1
- Mono1
- Montana1
- Mount Hamilton, along Smith Creek near summit road1
- Mt. Maxwell, Saltspring Island, Southern Strait of Georgia1
- Mt. Pilchuck, Lake Stevens1
- Mt. Tolmie1
- Mt. Tolmie, Vancouver Island1
- Multnomah1
- Myrtle Point1
- NE shore of Saginaw Bay, 3 mi SE of Halleck Harbour, Kuiu Island1
- Napa1
- Near Hot Springs, Atlanta Boise National Forest1
- Near Nevada City1
- Near shore of Discovery Bay1
- Oahu, Honolulu, Pacific Height1
- Oakland Hills in the vicinity of Redwood Peak1
- Olma1
- Olympic National Park, East Fork Quinault River, near Graves Creek Ranger Station1
- Olympic National Park, Queets River1