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- Achook Island, Western Channel, eastern end of McTavish Arm, Great Bear Lake1
- Adirondacks, Noon Mark Mountain1
- Alberta6
- Alger4
- Algoma1
- Along Route 11, north of La Conception1
- Along Rt. 86, south side of Wilmington Notch.1
- Along the Passaic, Delaware, and Hudson Rivers1
- Amygdaloid I., Isle Royale1
- Amygdaloid Island, near lake in SW end of, Isle Royale1
- Apache1
- Arizona1
- Atlee Twp., ca. 31 km southwest of Estaire1
- Austria2
- Bald Mountain, Duluth1
- Banff2
- Bayfield1
- Belle Rose Island, Susie Islands1
- Betton1
- Between Point Barrow and Barrow Town1