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- Alger1
- Ambrose Lake.1
- Antrim1
- At SW end of Crooked Lake. Prairieville Tp., ca. 3 mi. SW of Prairieville.1
- Barry1
- Bois Blanc Island. Echo Lake.1
- Budd Lake.1
- Cheboygan2
- Chickenbone Lake. Isle Royale.1
- Clare1
- Cold Springs Twp., Near Pickerel Lake.1
- Diamond (Lake or Stream) Sta. No. 1.1
- Fannie Hooe Lake.1
- Fife Lake.1
- Forestry Farm, Ann Arbor.1
- Gogebic3
- Grand Rapids. Gd. Rap.1
- Grand Traverse1
- Grid J-22-23. George Reserve.1
- Growing at north end of Legion Lake.1