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- Aberdeen Lake1
- About 4 miles SE of Ary1
- Above Forst St. John near mile 971
- Adirondack Region, Indian Pass, Heart Lake trail1
- Alabama2
- Alaska Range District, Mt. Hayes Quadrangle, moraine of Canwell Glacier, Mile 211 on Richardson Highway, 24 miles NNW of Paxson1
- Alaska Range, muskeg 3 miles above confluence of Sanctuary and Taklanika River, foothills1
- Albany1
- Alberta8
- Aleutian Chain, Amchitka Island (Rat Islands), northeast of Infantry Road on slope facing the Bering Sea at Chitka Cove1
- Algoma1
- Algonquin Park1
- Allen2
- Along Colville River, Umiat1
- Along South Fork of American River and Highway 50, 4 miles east of Whitehall1
- Along road 13, SW of Coggon1
- Along the Beatton River, mile 1011
- Anchorage1
- Angmagssalik distr., Paernakajit1
- Angmagssalik distr., Qârtuluk, Cassiope1