Housewives League of Detroit
125 items
- Description:
- Housewives League bulletin / Housewives League of Detroit.
v. 1, October-November, 1950
- Date Issued:
- 1950-10-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Detroit Public Library
- Collection:
- Burton Historical Collection
- Description:
- Pamphlet outlining the responsibilities of the Membership Committee of the Housewives League of Detroit. Typed on front: "Membership Committee, Housewives League of Detroit."
- Data Provider:
- Detroit Public Library
- Collection:
- Burton Historical Collection
- Description:
- The Negro market : published in the interests of the National Negro Business League, the National C.M.A. Stores, Inc., the Housewives League.
v. 1, no. 5, December, 1932
- Date Issued:
- 1932-12-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Detroit Public Library
- Collection:
- Burton Historical Collection
- Description:
- Trade week guide / Housewives League of Detroit.
December, 1947
- Date Issued:
- 1947-12-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Detroit Public Library
- Collection:
- Burton Historical Collection
- Description:
- Program for the Business Men's Second Annual Venison Dinner honoring the Detroit Housewives League. Printed on front: "Business Men's Second Annual Venison Dinner honoring the Detroit Housewives' League, Bethel A.M.E. Church, January 16, 1942." Includes menu and list of sponsoring businesses.
- Date Issued:
- 1942-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Detroit Public Library
- Collection:
- Burton Historical Collection
- Description:
- Program for the Housewives League of Detroit third annual Young Artists Recital, featuring soprano Mary Tisdale, tenor Kelvin J. Ventour and mezzo-soprano Ollie McFarland. Printed on front: "The Housewives League of Detroit presents their third annual Young Artists Recital, Wednesday, March 30, 1949 at 8:30 p.m., Detroit Institute of Arts (Lecture Hall)."
- Date Issued:
- 1949-03-30T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Detroit Public Library
- Collection:
- Burton Historical Collection
- Description:
- Ticket for the Housewives League of Detroit 2nd annual Business Queen Contest. Printed on front: "Housewives League of Detroit, 2nd annual Business Queen Contest to be held May 9, 1952 at Bethel A.M.E. Church, 7:30 p.m. 585 Fredrick Street. Buy a vote and help crown me Queen. Vote 10 [cents}. Drop this in at the door for a door prize. No. 5184. Name [blank], address [blank], phone [blank], business [blank]."
- Date Issued:
- 1952-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Detroit Public Library
- Collection:
- Burton Historical Collection
- Description:
- Blue felt cut into a triangular-shaped banner, and imprinted with yellow ink or paint. Printed on front: "D.W.H.L."
- Data Provider:
- Detroit Public Library
- Collection:
- Burton Historical Collection
- Description:
- Program for the 14th anniversary of the Housewives League of Detroit. Printed on front: "Housewives League of Detroit 14th anniversary program, 1940-1944. Officers and committee chairman. Motto: Buy, boost and build. Tuesday, June 6, 1944, 8 p.m. Scott Auditorium, Bethel A.M.E. Church. 535 Frederick Street. Christina A. Fuqua, President." Includes rally song, sponsors, honored guests, list of committee members and group portrait of officers and committee chairman.
- Date Issued:
- 1944-06-06T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Detroit Public Library
- Collection:
- Burton Historical Collection
- Description:
- Program for the nineteenth national convention of the National Housewives League of America, held in St. Louis, Missouri. Printed on cover: "Official program, nineteenth national convention of the National Housewives League of America Incorporated. Organized in Durham, North Carolina, Nineteen Hundred Thirty-three, convening Saint Louis, Missouri, August 27-31, 1956. Headquarters: Phyllis Wheatley Branch Y.W.C.A., Nineteen hundred fifty-six theme. Meeting the demands of today's trends. Host League: Housewives League of St Louis, Missouri." Includes advertisements, photographs, listings of the St. Louis officers, 1955-1956 national officers, and daily program events.
- Date Issued:
- 1956-08-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Detroit Public Library
- Collection:
- Burton Historical Collection