North half the city of Ann Arbor published by Everts and Stewart [plat] [west one-half]
- Date Issued:
- 1874-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- University of Michigan. Libraries
- Collection:
- Pictorial History of Ann Arbor
- Subject Topic:
- maps; Ann Arbor; 1870s; Eighteen seventies; 1874; 1870; map; 1870's; plat; plats; plat map; plat maps; 1874 plat map; 1874 plat maps; Ann Arbor township; Ann Arbor map; Ann Arbor maps; Ann Arbor plat map; Ann Arbor plat maps; ward; 3rd ward; third ward; Berry; A.Berry; Bliss; M.Bliss; Canwell; Wm Canwell; Chapin addition; Cook; C.B. Cook; County Jail; Dale; Rachael Dale; Davidson; Dibble; B.K. Dibble; Douglass; Felch; Felch’s addition; Frazier; R. F Frazier; Freemann; J. A. Freemann; Gardner; C.Gardner; Godfrey; David Godfrey; Gott; Gott’s addition.J.B. Gott; Green House; Guilleau; Guilleau’s addition; Gulig; J. Gulig; Hawkins; Hiscock; Hiscock’s 2nd addition; Hiscock’s addition; Humble; Kalklosher; Keegan; John Keegan; Lewis; Mrs. Lewis; Long; D. Long; Loomis Estate; Loomis; Wm. Loomis; Mallory; Maloy; Mann; G.T. Mann; Maynard; W. S. Maynard; McGuire; H McGuire; McIntyre; D McIntyre; McPatten; M. McPatten; Miller; J. F. Miller; Mills; H. A. Mills; Noble; E. A. Noble; Ormsby; Pettibone; Pettibone’s addition; Pomeroy; Mrs. Pomeroy; Price; S. Price; Rily; Mrs. Rily; Schilz; J Schilz; Schneider; F. Schneider.; Seitz; Mrs. Seitz; Seshan; A. Seshan; Sipley; Smith; G. W. Smith; Speechley; G. Speechley; Stocking; Mrs. Stocking; Sturm; C. Sturm; Swathel; Toms; J. Toms; Torry; Mrs. Torry; Vance; P. Vance; Whedon; Ann Arbor (Mich.)--Maps; Landowners--Michigan--Washtenaw County; Real property--Michigan--Washtenaw County
- Language:
- Rights:
- This image may be protected by copyright law. Contact the Bentley Historical Library for permission to reproduce, display or transmit this image. and
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