Edgar Guest Poetry Scrapbook

This scrapbook contains clippings of poetry by Edgar Guest from unidentified newspapers. Guest was born in England and moved to the United States as a boy. His first poem was published in the Detroit Free Press in 1898, and he was also the only person ever to have been named Poet Laureate for the state of Michigan. He wrote over 11,000 poems during his lifetime. The scrapbook may have been kept by Alfred Seymour's wife Maude. More than 75% of the pages have not been used. Due to the item's fragility it has not been digitized in full, only its cover. Contact the library for more information.
Data Provider:
Capital Area District Library (Lansing, MI). Forest Parke Library and Archives
Alfred Seymour Collection
Subject Topic:
Poetry, Poets, Scrapbooks, and Newspaper clippings
Copyright Not Evaluated