Loomis Cannon on Capitol Lawn

These digital images were created from materials held by the Michigan State Capitol Commission. and Front: This gun was one of six making batter A. 1st Michigan Light Artillery and Know as the Famous Loomis Battery. The Battery did service in the War of the Rebellion from July 1861 to July 1865 and was engaged in action at Elkwater and Green Briar, W. VA. Bowling Green and Perryville, KY Bridgeport, Gunthers Landing, Atens, and Whitesboro, Ala Stone River and Hoovers Gap Tenn Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, and Mission Ridge. Historical Cannon, Lansing, Mich. Back: 7/18/13 Dear Uncle and Aunt, We are very sorry. But we will not be able to come up. Art is worse expetct operation this P.M. Will write . . . Thanking you . . . Carson Mr and Mrs. F. Blumely . . . Michigan
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Library of Michigan
Michigan State Capitol Collections
Subject Topic:
20th century, 3rd Capitol - 1879 - current era - Lansing, and Michigan State Capitol - Grounds
Copyright Status Unknown - work may be protected by copyright. It is the user’s responsibility to comply with U.S. copyright law. Please credit ‘Michigan State Capitol Postcard Collection, Library of Michigan Digital Collections’ when using content from this collection. For publication-quality images, or any questions about these items, please contact capitolhistory@legislature.mi.gov.