Oakview Payroll

Oakview payroll for the two week pay period ending August 22, 1903. The heading on the top of the page reads, "D.M. Ferry & Co. Seedsman." The D.M. Ferry Company, later known as the Ferry-Morse Seed Company, expanded operations from Detroit to Avon Township in 1902. Oakview Farm comprised the area between South Rochester Road, East Hamlin Road, John R Road, and East Auburn Road. In 1912, the company increased the size of the farm northward, so that it reached to East Avon Road. Oakview was the site of the company’s trial grounds and stock seed breeding operations until 1944. The names on the payroll are: J.C. Ackerman, C. Austin, James B. Austin, G. Becker, Max Brush, Fred Clark, Ernest Cromie, George Cromie, John Cromie, Bruce Crull, V. Curtis, James Dangeow, Arthur Dello, C. Dietrich, Charles Edwards, E. Evans, C. Gottschling Sr., C. Gottschling Jr., George Grandy, F. Grogan, George Grogan, J. Grogan, Fred Hinchman, H.A. Holtz, F.A. Howell, George Irvin, Anthony Klein, Ernest Kimball, Harry Kimball, Charles S. Kinzie, George W. Kinzie, J.C. Kinzie, Willie Kinzie, Clark Lefler, W. Leriche, E. Lindke, D. Lockwood, C. May, H.K. McCotter, J.H. McCotter, Delbert Moore, C. Parish, Alvah Rikerd, Conrad Rikerd, J. Riley, Frank Russell, D.C. Sipperly, P. Sipperly, E.E. Stevens, Percy Todd, F. Tucker, Lou Tucker, Fred Voakes, W. Walmsley, Clark Yost, A. Zoellner, M. Riley, and Charles Lovell. (P-23) Photograph Collection
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