Plan for the Konaske Airship, designed by Art Konaske of 180 Mack Street

Plan for the Konaske Airship, designed by Art Konaske of 180 Mack Street, stapled to a two page note to Russell A. Alger Jr. written on Hotel Griswold stationery, and dated February 17, 1916. The plan shows a profile cut-away of a small military airship with a enclosed gondola with two seats--one for the pilot, and the other for a gunner. The airship's balloon is outfitted with an airfoil, and both vertical and horizontal propellers are employed for lift and propulsion. The note reads: Mr. Russell A. Alger, Dear Sir, Enclosed find blueprint circular of airship, which I hope may prove of interest to you. It is going to be a sure winner and as I am told, you are "Pres. of Aviation Club." Would be glad to have interview at your convenience to explain details and mfg. etc. A phone call will find me at above hotel--Rm 416 for appointment for interview which shall try to make of much interest to you. Thanking you in advance for cause[?] I am sir. Yours very truly, A[?]. J. Barker Phone Cherry 10 - Rm 416
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Airships, Hotel Griswold, Aviation Club of Detroit, and Inventors
Subject Name:
Alger, Russel Alexander Jr.
No Copyright - United States