7215 N. Ann Arbor St.; Lamkins-Fischer House

South and west facades taken facing northeast; Two and a half story, cross gabled Stick style house. Two story, cutaway bays on west (front), north, and south facades. Diagonal and arching brackets in bays. Stickwork accentuates main body of house. Sunburst detailing over windows and in cutaway bays. Fishscale shingles and sunbursts in gables. Fishscale shingling also on beltcourse. Wrap around porch with no visible supports, wood balustrade, and lattice under porch. Multilight windows over one pane (small stained glass lights around perimeter of upper section). Entry porch on north rear with unsupported roof, and spindlework balustrade and railings. Two car garage at rear.
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Saline Historic Homes
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