Angeline Willcox to Lyman J. Willcox, May 31, 183-

Oriskany May the 31 I take my pen in hand to answer your letter sister harriet received and to inform you of my health it is not very good but it is so I am to work to uncle palmers in oriskany doing house work harriet is as well as useal she is to work in the factory now till she can get sewing harriet receive a letter from sister Emily some time ago I do not know justly how long it is since she did not write but that they were all well she wrote she calculated to teach school this summer I suppose in Watson not far from our folks sister sarah is learning the tailors trade in Lowville vilge eight miles from home mother lives on the land that belonged to dear brother randal there is about fifty acres in the whole and fifteen paid for a comfortable log house on it Mr C last season let out some of the ground upon shares and some he worked himself but I do not know how they will work it this season it is a knew place and they have not things so comfortable as they had before they moved out there yet they have so they can get along until they can do better they have neighbours nearby they have a store about mile from there where they can get things likewise they have meetings the same distance Mr C does not drink as much as he did before he left Deerfield but he remains pretty much the same as he use to be We have not heard any thing from brother George since he left us only what you have wrote you write you have given up the idea of comeing to see us this season I am very sory to hear it we should be very glad to see you your wife and children if it was so that we could you do not write how your family is aunt Diana lives in Deerfield yet they are well they have a young daughter Hannah is near and yet a son aunt palmer sends her respects to you and says she has not forgotten you she should be glad to see you tis not but a few nights since she dreamed of seeing you and running after you I want you should write whether you have embraced religion or not by your writing some times it seems as if you had an was quite thoughtful if you have not I advise you as one that knows by experience that there is no other enjoyment to be compared to that of love and presence of god in the soul it prepares us for usefulness in life it prepares us for a happy and triumphant death although we are parted in life I hope we all shall be so happy as to meet in that bright world above parting never more shall come I must bid you adieu this from your affectionate sister Angeline Wilcox Lyman J Willcox
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