Soup Line in the Camp Kitchen in Zossen

Belgian and French prisoners wait patiently in line outside of the kitchen in Zossen to receive a bowl of soup. The same prisoners happily pose for a picture with hot soup after receiving their meals in the camp kitchen. Individual distribution of rations was inefficient but it guaranteed equality between the POW's. Service to barrack representatives represented a faster distribution of rations but German authorities could not supervise the actual disposition inside all of the barracks.
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Data Provider:
Western Michigan University. Libraries
Subject Topic:
Germany, Zossen, Nutrition, Rations, Meals, Camp Order, Camp Kitchen, Belgian POWs, French POWs, World War 1914-1918, Diplomatic History, European History, Military History, and Political History
No Copyright - United States. Physical ownership of materials: "The Great War in Pictures," No. 2 (1915): 31.