- Kissel Hill2
- Lake Grubb2
- Laurel Hill Summit, 1½ miles from Jennerstown2
- Leidy Twp.2
- McCall's Ferry2
- McConnells Mills2
- Montour2
- Near Bald Knob, State College2
- Near Kelly Run Stone Quarry about 8 or 9 mi. out of Wilkes-Barre toward the Poconos2
- Near Media2
- Near Mundy's Corners2
- Near Shade Gap2
- Near Sheffield2
- Philadelphia, Wissahickon Park2
- Polly's Run2
- Port Allegany.2
- Potters Mills2
- Raccoon Creek and Route 30 south2
- Sayre2
- Sayre. Flora of the Upper Susquehanna2