- Bog around Big Spring, Indian Lake1
- Bog near Blaney Park on US21
- Bullock Ranch1
- Ca. 1. miles NW of Manistique.1
- Ca. 6 mi. NE of Manistique1
- Cranberry Lake.1
- Creighton Marsh, T46N, R16W, NE1/4 SW1/4 NE1/4 sec. 121
- Cusino Lake1
- Cusino Lake ca. 10 miles N.E. of Shingleton,1
- Dame's Rocket. Manistique, Near prison, along Manistique River under powerline corridor, north edge of Manistique.1
- Doyle Twp., 3650' W. of Cooper Road (Sec Line), 6200' N. of U.S. 2 T 42N, R14W, NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Sec. 28.1
- Dune region betwee Gulliver Lake and Lake Michigan1
- Dune region between Gulliver Lake and Lake Michigan (9th & 10th dune ridges)1
- Dune region between Gulliver Lake and Lake Michigan. Between 4th & 5th ridges.1
- Dune region between Gulliver Lake and Lake Michigan. Third ridge.1
- Dune ridge near Gulliver Lake.1
- E Manistique.1
- E of Manistique, Lake Michigan1
- E. of Manistique1
- E1/2 Sec 13 T41N-R16W Manistique1