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- Near Nordegg River1
- Nordegg River1
- North side of lake, Tent Mountain Pass, 4 miles SW of Crowsnest1
- Oldman River Watershed, beside creek from North Fork Pass to Dutch Creek, 2 miles north-northeast of the summit of Mount Erris, High Rock Range, N18-11-5-W51
- Oldman River Watershed, ½ mile south of Savanna Creek, 3¼ miles east-southeast of the summit of Pasque Mountain1
- Small lake 3 mi. N. of Lake Louise station1
- South side tributary of Three Isle Creek, 3.5 miles west of Upper Kananaskis Lake, S13-19-10-W51
- Sunwapta Falls, Jasper National Park1
- W Nordegg River1
- Waterton Lakes National Park, open margin of Summit Lake1
- along Boom Creek, 5 miles south of Mount Eisenhower on Windermere Highway1
- lower slopes of Mt. Rundle, near Banff Springs Golf Course, 3-5 miles by road southeast of Banff1