- Along stream fed by hot springs, Fairmont Hot Springs2
- Along the Sikanni River (near mile 116) above Fort St. John, on south side of River2
- Alpine Valley at head of Quartz Creek, south of Beavermouth, Selkirk Mountains2
- Bear Lake, Zincton2
- Bonilla Island, Hecate Strait2
- British Columbia, Canada2
- Burns Bog, Surrey, south of Vancouver2
- Burrard Inlet2
- Cape North near Bay St. Lawrence2
- Cascade Mountains, Hope District, near Highway 3 above SE Hope2
- Cassiar District, Omineca Mountains, Peak Range, Katherine Creek at Katherine Lake2
- Cassiar District, Omineca Mountains, Swannell Range, south side of Asitka Peak2
- Cassiar District, Omineca Mts., Swannell Range, just north of Sustut Lake2
- Central Coast2
- Chaatl Island, Queen Charlotte Islands2
- Comox Bay, Vancouver Id.2
- Comox Valley2
- Crying Girl Prairie, north of Prince George2
- E. side of Fraser River, Agassiz Bridge across river2
- East Kootenay Region; Purcell Wilderness Conservancy, ca. 1 ½- 2 miles from Invermere/ Athalmer.2