- Darlingtonia, Smith River, North Coast Range1
- Duncan's Mills1
- El Dorado1
- Eureka1
- Fourteen miles from Petaluma along road to Tomales1
- Fresno1
- Game Refuge near Snyder Lane along Petaluma Hill Road1
- Geyser Road near Cloverdale, about 1 mile off Highway 101 near small inlet to Russian River1
- Head of Big Carson1
- Inyo1
- John Muir Trail, west of Center Peak1
- Lake1
- Medicine Lake1
- Menlo Park, 111 Pope Street, (North Palo Alto)1
- Monterey1
- Monument Trail and adjacent Northern Heights Route, just north of Headquarters, Henry W. Coe State Park1
- Mt. Tamalpais, Cascade Gulch1
- Nevada1
- North side of the arm of Folsom Lake leading to the south Fork of the American River at Skunk Canyon, Salmon Falls Road at head of Darlington Trail1
- One mile from Point Reyes Station to Petaluma1