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- Pasadena1
- Pine Flat Reservoir, 8 miles east of Trimmer Springs Road on Island Park Road, below Driftwood Trailer Park and Campground1
- Pinnacle Peak, Bartlett Mountain1
- Sag pond about one mile east of Mussel Rock1
- San Clemente Creek Valley 400 ft. SWW of the boundary between Rancho San Carlos and Rancho San Clemente1
- Santa Cruz Mountains1
- Siskiyou1
- Smith River1
- Southeast of Pleasanton, between Pleasanton and Interstate 6801
- Tiburon1
- Trail from Conner Pass Rest Area, on I-80 westbound, to Summit Lake (ca 2 mi. north)1
- Trinity River Valley, at Willow Creek1
- Vicinity of Eel Rock1
- Wildcat Cañon, near Berkeley1
- along creek below buildings of Ielmarini Ranch 3 miles east of Petaluma1
- bank of Tomales Bay1
- edge of Blue Lake1
- near Mission Springs, 3 miles east of Felton1
- west of Sixth Lake, Big Pine Lakes1