- Prentis Bay1
- Sandy plain near Sheldrake1
- Soo Twp.1
- Soo Twp. Two blocks S. of the power canal on Ashmund street in Sault Ste Marie.1
- South side of Drummond Is., Warner's Cove,1
- St. Mary's Falls1
- Sugar Island, 1-1/2 miles N. W. Homestead1
- Superior Twp. at Atkinson home on Shore Drive of Waiska Bay 1/2 mi. W. of the Waiska River bridge in town of Brimley.1
- about 1/2 mi. W. of Waiska Riv. Bridge W. of village of Brimley on property of Helen Atkinson. Superior Twp. T46N, R2W, Sec. 5, NE1/41
- at NE corner of M-28 and M-221 two mi. S. of village of Brimley. Superior Twp. T46N, R2W, Sec.16, SW1/41
- at Vermilian1
- banks of the Tahquamenon river at the lower falls near Emerson1
- ca. 14 miles east of Cedarville (sec. 6, R3E, T41N)1
- just above dam on Potaganninssing River, Drummond Island1
- just above dam on Potagannissing River, Drummond Island1
- near Emerson1
- near Sheldrake1
- near Vermilian1
- near Vermilion1
- near old sidewalk, near tip of Whitefish Point.1