- Whitefish Point, near Lake Superior.2
- ca. 11.5 mi. NW of Raco.2
- ca. 14 miles east of Cedarville. Near Lake Huron.2
- ca. 8 mi. NW of Paradise.2
- near Vermilion,2
- (west of Paradise).1
- About 1.5 miles NE of Drummond, Drummond Island1
- About 100 m southwest of Hwy. M-123 on little-used 2-track road at point 0.9 mi. southeast of birdge over Carp River.1
- About 15 miles N. of Eckerman on W. side of US 123.1
- Along Lake Superior between Whitefish Pt. and Vermilion, Ca. 10 mi NW of Paradise1
- Along Lake Superior between Whitefish Pt. and Vermilion, ca. 10 mi. NW of Paradise.1
- Along Lake Superior, ca. 6 mi. W. of Whitefish Pt.1
- Along bobbygay Lake Road (Forest Service USFS 3343), 1 1/2 miles north of Trout Lake, MI. SE1/4 of Sect. 11, T44N, R6W1
- At E. end of the Sault Ste. Marie city airport and 300 ft. S. of the Nat. Weather Station on S. side of city of Sault Ste. Marie. Soo Twp.1
- At Emerson.1
- At Vermillion, ca. 9 mi. W. of Whitefish Point.1
- Bay Mills Twp. On S. side of the Shore Rd. 1/2 mi. E. of Pendills Cr. Fish Hatchery on shore of Lake Superior ca. 8 mi. E. of Tahquamenon Bay.1
- Bay Mills Twp. T47N, R4W, Sec. 36 N.E. 1/4; on W. side of Dollar Settlement Rd. 2.2 mi. south of Lake Superior shore1
- Bog west of Whitefish Point P. O.1
- Brimley State Park, NE1/4 sec. 4, T46N, R2W, ca. 12 mi. SW of Sault Ste. Marie.1