- Summer Island, NE shore of, beach1
- Summer Island, above Lake Michigan1
- Summer Island, near Summer Harbor1
- Summer Island. West side of Island.1
- Summer Island. Near Summer Harbor.1
- Summer Island. Steven's Point. [=Gravel Point]1
- T40N, R22W, section 31 About 12 km N. of Escanaba.1
- T40N, R22W, section 31, From 0.75 Lane take path along bluff S. About 13 km N. of Escanaba.1
- T41N R19W NE1/4 of sec. 20 along edge of F.H. 13 and entrance road to Flowing Well National Forest Campground1
- T41N R21W S23 (SWSW) Hiawatha National Forest. About 2 miles east of Rapid River,1
- T42N R19W S.25 NW1/4 of SE1/4 of SW1/4 about 1 mile SW of Billy Good Lake1
- T42N R21W S17 (SE) Baker Creek, west bank, 0.1-0.8 miles south of I-13.1
- T42N R21W sec. 19 NE1/4 NE1/4 NE1/4 9 m from gravel road leading to Birch Farm Wildlife Management Area, ca. 7 miles from Rapid River.1
- T42N R21W sec. 19 NE1/4NE1/4NE1/4 ca. 7 miles from Rapid River.1
- Turn W. onto Lake Bluff Rd from US 2, veer left onto 0.75 Lane and travel to the end of the road.1
- Upper Peninsula Fairgrounds, US Rt 2, Escanaba,1
- W. of Isabelle1
- W. of St. Jaques1
- Wedens Bay. Lake Michigan.1
- along Sturgeon River, ca. 2 mi NW of Nahma1