- Milford, Lakeside Laboratory1
- N of Browning Lake, ca. 2 1/2 mi. NW of Merriman1
- NE10, T42N, R29W 8 Mi. E. of Sagola1
- NW end of Fumee Lake1
- NW10, T42N, R29W 8 mi E. of Sagola1
- NW2,T42N,R29W 8 mi east of Sagola1
- Near Fumee Creek, east of Quinnesec.1
- Near Hardwood1
- Near Hylas1
- Near Iron Mountain, Michigan1
- Near Lake 29, about 9 miles NE of Iron Mountain1
- Near Norway.1
- Near Sturgeon River1
- North of Loretto.1
- North shore of Elmcrest, West lake Okoboji1
- Norway1
- Norway, SW of1
- Norway, MI1
- On US-8 at Wisconsin state line (Menominee River), 1 mi. S. of Norway, Profusely abundant, with L. minor and Spirodela polyrhiza in pond at roadside.1
- Project ELF, North of O'Neil Lake Road - South of Schwartz Cr.1