- Nunarsoak, Nanortalik1
- Nunarsoak, s.f. Nanortalik1
- SE of Beach Camp, Thule District1
- Saunders Island west at Thule.1
- Scoresby Sund district, Scoresby Sund (Kolonien)1
- Sinigfih, between Skansen and Godhavn. Disko Island1
- Sinigfik, between Skansen and Godhaven1
- Skansen, Disko Island1
- Skjojdungen District, Dronning Marles Dal (Eqalungmiut)1
- Skjoldungen district, Dronning Maries Dal (Eqslungmiut)1
- Svartenhuk Peninsula, Simiútap kûa1
- Thom Island1
- Thule District, Northwestern Greenland, Narsurssuk1
- Thule District, Northwestern Greenland, Thule1
- Thule District, ca. 1 mile NNW of Lake Camp1
- Thule District, northwestern Greenland, South River Valley1
- Thule District, northwestern Greenland, near north side of Moltke Glacier1
- Thule District, northwestern Greenland, north of east end of North Mountain, Thule1
- Thule District, northwestern Greenland, northwest of Petowak Lake1
- Thule distr. Dundas., Nunatarssuak1