- Caratunk Twp., along Pleasant Pond Stream from outlet at Pleasant Pond to ca 1 mi E1
- Carrying Place Township, Otter Pond Stream, tributary of Pierce Pond Stream, just West of Kennebec River at Caratunk1
- Carrying Place Twp., along Appalachian Trail between mouth of Pierce Pond stream and Pierce Pond Stream Falls, along Otter Pond Stream1
- Champlain Mountain, Acadia National Park1
- Chester1
- Chimney Peak, Katahdin1
- Chimney Pond Trail, east slope of Mount Katahdin1
- Clinton1
- Collins Dam, West Gardiner1
- Concord, Old Bluff1
- Concord, Old Bluff, top of cliff1
- Corea1
- Corea Heath, SW side of Hwy 195, ca 1 mi NW of Corea.1
- Crystal Twp., circa 3 miles west of Island Falls along Rte 1591
- Cumberland, Mill Brook1
- Cushing open, near St. George River.1
- Cushing upper edge of salt marsh adjacent to St. George River.1
- Cutler1
- Cutler.1
- Davis Island, Sheepscot River at The Eddy just north of North Edgecomb1